I cannot
believe New York Governor Eliot Spitzer!!! (before you read further, just know that this post contains alot of foul language, but I'm pissed) The NYT first broke the story this afternoon,
Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring.
Are you kidding me?! Seriously. Your wife wasn't enough for four years? Is that too much to ask? Ohhhh, noooo. You win a landslide victory on a platform of bringing ethics back (as if it came and left) to Albany. You scored major victories for the little guy against Wall St. when you were NY State Attorney General (when the news hit the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon, the floor erupted into cheers). And like a sucker I believed in you. Just like a sucker I believed in Bill Clinton. Clearly, I must have "sucker" imprinted on my voter registration card.
And I cannot even imagine what Silda Spitzer is going through. It's 2008 and we get to watch an incredibly smart woman stand by her man, from sacrifice to humiliation, yet again.
This is what I don't get, all politicians know that to sleep with a prostitute, an intern, a man in a bathroom stall, a staffer, basically anyone but your wife-- is to commit political suicide. You're a big important man (always a man), President of the United States, a US Senator, a Governor of a big state with a big city, and in all likelihood you're Ivy League educated and filthy f*cking rich. So what the hell? Is it that everyone does it and only a few get caught? Or does political power and privilege, I'm talking the upper echelon of it, create a moral hazard simply because it is what it is-- powerful?
According to Wikipedia, "Moral hazard is the prospect that a party insulated from risk may behave differently from the way it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk" For example, many people believe that to bailout subprime would create a moral hazard; that the industry would take on more risk simply because there was precedent of having been rescued from its own royal f*ck up. Not a grammatically taut sentence, but you get the picture.
I'm obviously not a politically powerful person, so I don't know. But the thing I keep on coming back to is what was he thinking??? He did more than f*ck a prostitute, he f*cked over New York. New York state had a real chance to come out of the dark ages, from the prison population to the SUNY population to the waterfront in Buffalo to the first Democratic majority in the NY State Senate in 30 years, Spitzer had the power to make real change, the kind of change this lifelong New Yorker could only dream about. And he threw it the f*ck away.