I'm sorry, but it's over.
Yes, I know that we've been together a long time, almost 15 years is no joke, but it really has been all about you, and I've had it. Not once did you ask me if I was okay leaving one job for a bartender's gig so I could be with you more often, not once did you ask if I really liked eating ramen all the time, or if I felt comfortable living near a crack house. Sure, you weren't the only relationship I had. I had others. Rent, phone, food. But you were the one that broke my heart, because you were the one that made me choose between feeding myself or clothing myself.
But to be fair, that was only in the beginning. The fact is I just got with you before I was ready, and after a few years we settled in quite comfortably together. We always knew we had each other no matter what and it was an habitual co-existence. But then I found that oppressive. I wanted my independence, a life without you, and so I left you. It wasn't my most shining moment but I just didn't know what to do, and I guess I should have written or called, but I just left you without a word.
A few years later I came back, tail between my leg, and man did you make me pay for it! But it was for the best. I learned a lot from that breakup and makeup, and it helped my other relationships, particularly that brief fling I had with Providian. And even though I'm leaving you, know that I don't regret what we had together. I had a phenomenal four year education because of you. It's not that I don't love what you've done for me, it's just how you've done it. But again, it's not your fault. I could blame it on your parents, but they change every four years. No wonder you're messed up.
But I have to be honest with you-- you have a tendency to take advantange of people, and this is the real reason I'm leaving you. I'm sure you won't even miss me when I'm gone, someone else will take my place, but you should really learn to treat people better. Right now you've got it good and you can act however you want to, but someday, someday soon I hope, you're not going to be the only one. I know, I know, you think Grant isn't even the same league as you, but she's got your number, and you better start acting like you know.
It never bothered me that you've been with millions of others, but you take advantage where there should be none taken. Again, it's not your fault, it's how you were raised. I'm just telling you this now because you have a lot to offer people, if only you'd stand up for yourself and do what you were meant to do.
Make no mistake about it, it's not merely that I was unprepared when I went into this relationship to handle the responsibility of being with you. It's that you are not prepared to handle the responsibility you have with us. And now, I cannot believe it took me this long to leave you. If only I knew then what I know now. So goodbye Sallie Mae, or Nellie Mae, or Chase, or whatever you're calling yourself now. It's over, and I can honestly say that in this case, the grass is greener on the other side.
No Longer Yours Forever,